Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Helping You Keep Your Ears Healthy

A little bit of ear wax is healthy for your ears but some of us can produce more than others. Our trained and certified wax removal Audiologists use a technique called microsuction which doesn't involve water so there's almost no discomfort unlike syringing or irrigation.
Ear wax removal

Ear Wax Removal Service

What is Ear Wax?

It is normal to have some cerumen (commonly known as ear wax) in the ear canal as this waxy substance serves as a self-cleaning agent with protective, lubricating, and antibacterial properties. The absence of earwax can result in dry and itchy ears.
Self-cleaning means there is a slow and orderly movement of earwax and dead skin cells from the eardrum to the ear opening. Old earwax is constantly being transported from the ear canal to the ear opening, where, most of the time, it dries, flakes, and falls out.
Some ear wax is good for the ears. However, it needs to be removed if there is an excess build-up, and there are common signs to look out for.
Common signs of ear wax build up include:
  • Earache
  • Hearing loss or blocked ears
  • Lack of benefit from hearing aids
  • Itchy ears
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing/buzzing noises in the ears
  • Ears blocked with wax and causing hearing difficulties
  • Perforated eardrums
  • Previous surgery e.g., mastoidectomy
  • Urgent cases where patients notice blockages after flying or diving
  • Patients with balance disorders
  •  Causes of wax buildup

    A buildup of earwax can occur quicker than usual if you have:

    • Narrow or damaged ear canals
    • Lots of hair in your ear canals
    • A skin condition affecting your scalp or around the ear
    • Used cotton buds to push the wax further down the ear canal

    Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Service

    What is Microsuction Ear Wax Removal?

    Micro-suction is the gold standard technique to remove ear wax. It is a safe and comfortable way of ear wax removal. As opposed to traditional syringing, we are able to observe the ear at all times ensuring no trauma or damage to the eardrum. Micro-suction ear wax removal will let you instantly feel relief from the symptoms relating to occluding ear wax.

    We operate from a few different clinics across the North West, as well as offering home visits. We are able to offer appointments on the same day, including weekday evenings and weekends.
    Microsuction ear cleaning is appropriate for those people who have:

    • Ears blocked with wax and causing hearing difficulties

    • Perforated ear drums

    • Previous surgery e.g. mastoidectomy

    • Urgent cases where patients notice blockages after flying or diving

    • Patients with balance disorders

    • Generally, micro-suction doesn’t require too much olive oil prior to the procedure. We recommend using olive oil to soften the wax for a few days prior to your appointment.

    Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Service

    What Can I Expect?

    We get asked this question a lot about what to expect in the appointment and how it differs from traditional syringing.

    There are a few different tools that are involved as part of the procedure and the process is as follows....

    1. SUCTION UNIT- generates suction when the wax is being removed and it is also where the wax is gathered to be disposed of afterwards. The plastic tube attached to it is what the wax travels down.

    2. VIDEO OTOSCOPE- allows the Audiologist to constantly visualise the ear canal during the procedure. This helps us to see the health of the ear canal and ear drum on a magnified scale to detect abnormalities and therefore advise the patient on further treatment that may be required. We can take before and after pictures and videos for peace of mind.

    3. OLIVE OIL- sprayed in the ear prior to wax removal to allow better grip for suction. Olive oil is also recommended to soften the wax a few days prior to the procedure.

    4. FINE END and JOBSON HORNE- the fine end is used to grip onto pieces of earwax which are attached on the ear canal wall so there is no touching of the skin and therefore no discomfort. The Jobson Horne can be used to manually move the wax if it is hard or compacted.

    5. PROBE TUBE- the most common tool used to grip on to the wax. This attaches onto the wax and then allows us to gently move it along the ear canal.

    Water is occasionally sucked through the tube to allow any blockages to move along.

    We don't go further than what we can see! We are also able to consult ENT doctors for further treatment or advice so you don't need to!

    Book an Ear Wax Removal Appointment

    Get in touch to book an appointment with one of our experienced audiologists now. We can provide an appointment either at one of our clinics or wherever you are.
    Book an Appointment